Saturday, October 3, 2009

Implementation Plan For Your Goals - The 1-3-5 System

Gary Ryan Blair-better known as "The Goals Guy"--describes the anatomy of a goal as a triangle. He explains that there are three basic components to a goal: the "what", the "why", and the "how". The "what" is the goal, which needs to be written in specific, measurable, time-bound language.

The implementation plan that you're going to follow in order to achieve the goal you've identified is the 1-3-5 system. It works as follows:

- Identify one "what": one goal with fixed criteria that is specific, measurable, and time-bound.
- Identify three "whys": come up with three compelling, emotional reasons that will sustain and drive you. domain business
- Identify five "hows": come up with five individual action steps that you're going to take. Again, each action step needs to be specific, measurable, and time-bound. You're identifying exactly what you need to do in order to achieve the goal.

For every one of your goals you need to have multiple reasons why you want to achieve that goal. If you look at your automobile, you'll probably notice that the gas gauge has a quarter, half, three quarters, and full. You want to have three "whys" just as you want your fuel tank to be as full as possible. Then, for a small to intermediate type goal, you want to be able to identify exactly what steps you're going to take, in writing.

The 1-3-5 concept gives you a frame of reference with which to box in your goal and have a written strategy. You can do this on a blank sheet of paper, or even on the back of a napkin. But if you follow the system and pay attention to it, Gary explains that you'll find that the system works. He adds that he's seen it work thousands of times and knows that it will work for anybody, at any time, and at any age.

For those people interested in taking their lives to the next level and ending 2009 with a bang, Gary has created a program called The 100 Day Finish Strong Challenge which will expose you to the best ideas, the best strategies, and the best personal practices for living a successful life. This program will expose your mind to what it means to be the best, and it begins on the 23rd of September, 2009.

Written by Marelisa Fabrega. You can find out more about goal setting and The 100 Day Finish Strong Challenge by visiting Marelisa's blog, Abundance Blog at Marelisa Online.

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