Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How to Set Goals - Achieve Short and Long Term Goals

FIGURE OUT WHAT YOUR GOALS ARE: What are your goals? What do you want to achieve or if your goal is a destination where do you want to go? Maybe your goal is career orientated? Or maybe your goal is more personal, like having more meaningful relationships or finishing your college degree?

You may want to start out defining small goals such as how you want to feel every day? Or a good goal is to be more positive or drop some weight.

Whatever your goal is it's important to be truthful with yourself and figure out what is really important to you. This is about you and you accomplishing your goals not putting on a show for other people.

ORGANIZE YOUR GOALS: Go through the list you have crated and figure out which are a priority. Maybe you'd like to start with small goals? You could have two lists, one of short term goals and another of longer term goals.

SETTING A TIMELINE: Go through your goal list and set a timeline. Figure out which goal is the most important for you to accomplish and put this goal at the top of your list. Some goals may take years to accomplish (like getting your college degree or paying off debt) while others, such as cleaning out the garage may take just a few weekends. Be sure to give yourself enough time to accomplish your goal but at the same time don't give yourself so much time. You should be taking action on your accomplishing your goals immediately.

BREAKING IT DOWN: Now is the fun part. Take each goal and make a task list that is necessary to achieve this goal. For example if your goal is to payoff your car a year early, make a list of what it is you are going to do to make this goal a reality. Maybe you need to cut back on expenses and make calls to cut back services like satellite, cable, cell phone, or gym membership? Or maybe you just need to call the bank and arrange for an extra $100 to be automatically paid towards this loan every month? Whatever it is that is necessary to complete your goal, you should have a check list of steps you need to take. Put this list in a prominent location in your house where you can see it everyday. Cross or check off items as you complete them so you can see the progress you are making.

GETTING THE WHOLE FAMILY ON BOARD: Depending on the nature of your goals you may or may not want to let people know about your goals. If you have dieting goals that require cutting out junk foods then it's a good idea to let your loved ones know so they may offer support. It's especially important to bring kids in on financial goals if you are going to be cutting back spending.

COMMITTING TO YOUR GOALS: Once you have your lists completed and your family on board you need to completely commit to accomplishing your goals. Put your list up on the refrigerator or tape it to your bathroom mirror. Stay focused on how important your goals are to you and you will achieve them!

Daisy has been been writing articles online for many years. One of her latest projects is a website PregnancyPiles dot com. Here you fill find help with Pregnancy Piles and Piles Treatment. Please stop by and find out how to cure your hemorrhoids at home.

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