Sunday, November 23, 2008

Goals, what do they mean?

In the next few postings we will be looking at goals in our journey towards achieving success in life and business.

The ability to set goals and make plans for their accomplishment is the master skill of success. Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement. A person without goals is like a ship sailing without rudder and so is drifting aimlessly without direction exposing itself to danger of ending up on rocks. When you have goals, you are like a ship with a rudder, guided by a captain with a map, a compass, and a destination and therefore you can sail straight and true towards a port of your choosing.

Brian Tracy came to a conclusion that “Success is goals and all else is commentary.” So if you want to copy what the intensely successful people do, you need to be goal oriented. You will need to know what you want and get focused on achieving it every single day.

As a human being, you are a goal-centred organism. We are engineered mentally to move progressively and successively from one goal to the next, and we are never really happy unless, and until, we are moving toward the accomplishment of something important to us. Also, our brains have this goal-seeking function that guides us in actually seeking out our desires and looking for means to accomplishing them.

Because of this function, we almost always achieve any goals we set for ourselves. Once you are absolutely clear about your goal, you do not even have to know where it is or how to achieve it. By simply deciding exactly what you want, you will begin to move towards your goal and your goal begins to move towards you. Can remember that sometimes when you decide on something you want to do, somehow and somehow, things just fall in place for the accomplishment of that desire. This is what happens when you set goals for yourself.

What I want to you to understand is that you can achieve whatever goals you set because you are created in such a way to achieve them. So get started in goal setting.

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